Asp.Net Core Identity
09 Jun 2020 | CSharp-ASP.NET core identity help you manage user,password, profile data,roles, claims,email confirmation etc… core identity help you manage user,password, profile data,roles, claims,email confirmation etc… core security and identity,authentication,authorization,identityserver. core security and identity,authentication,authorization,identityserver. core security and identity,authentication,authorization,identityserver.
How to add custom middleware, how to use avoid common mistakes when use DI in your custom middleware.
As our previous episodes, we have known that ConfigureService is a place we can register our service. So, where is the place to register middleware
ASP.NET Core introduced a new feature called as Middleware. Middleware is a software that assembled a set of applications, which will be going through on each request. In other words, it’s a layer that each incoming and outgoing request will go through it.
the working mechanism behind dependency injection.
ASP.NET Core supports dependency injection(DI), which is a technique for achieving Inverse of Control(IoC). The Built-In IoC container doesn’t provide as many features as other third libraries
.NET Core is designed from scratch to support dependency injection, which is also one of the principal features.