An Enthusiastic Programmer

Everything You Need To Know About Deadlock


In the Database, deadlock can be one of the most headache issues. As it presents maybe stochastic, usually accompanyed with high volumns or concurrencies on DML operations. You need to identify what locks granted caused deadlocks and how to mitigate them.Imaging in an application, which containes logics of dizziness bussiness. It’s impractical to tidy all the SQL operations to make competitive resources consecutive. You need to detect deadlocks in the SQL Server side.

react js setup environment in visual studio code


First React App


General React Package Management Commands


Create SSL certificates with acme in Linux


Deploying an HTTPS website requires you to have SSL certificates. The ramification of not being protected by SSL certificates is significant, and worldwide developers are using SSL certificates to encrypt the data transition of their websites. Reads official documents from scratch that can make people depressed. Today, I will illustrate a simple and effective way to create SSL certificates with

Log Expensive Queries Into Files By Extended Events


SQL Server provides a functionality called Extended Events. You can measure SQL’s running time once it finished its query, and that is awesome. All that you need to do is to register an event, and SQL Server will do these dirty boring jobs for you automatically.

Find Slow SQL Queries With sys.dm_exec_query_stats View


This article will lead you to monitor SQL’s running time most simply. In a busy system, hundreds and thousands of SQLs are running, so It is necessary to find and fine-turn slower running SQLs.

Monitor And Analysis


MSSQL Tutorial


Welcome to this episode of discussing SQL Server performance issues. Through this series, you will learn how to monitor and fine-turn performance in a database. You may know that network traffic, disk I/O, and CPU usage are the key to peak performance. The upcoming blogs will introduce varieties of tools and snippets that will assistant you in troubleshooting the SQL server’s performance amicably. What are you waiting for! Let’s kick it off now!

Parallel Processing In VBA


Have you encountered the problem that you want to launch another thread to tackle other works when the current window is suspended(Such as, perform operations on the “Save As” window)? To be blunt, VBA doesn’t provide the multi-threads implementation.