An Enthusiastic Programmer

Entity Framework Tutorial


EF Core Load Related Entities


Entity Framework Core allows you to use navigation propertities in your model to load related entities…

Tutorial: Explore EF Core Console Application


run an EF Core Console Application, with a simple basic demonstration.

Verification Code Recognition With Tesseract OCR


Tesseract OCR development by Google, It’s free software. verification code is common used in website.

Running A CGI Web Server With http.server Module


CGI is Common Gateway Interface, with python build-in http.server module. can quickly and easily demonstrate how to use it.

Everything You Need To Know Fetching Internet Resource With Python


Just like many other languages, Python also has built-in support for internet resource access, far more than. you can fetch internet resource easily with python.

Python JSON Example


Python JSON example, JSON is a lightweight data-interchange format.Python builds very powerful functionality support it.decording with load/loads, encoding with dump/dumps.

How to use Jetty build simple Http Server


use Java Jetty builds Server. Jetty can build a server quickly within wipes extra procedures.