Data Annotation - Timestamp Attribute
09 Apr 2020 | CSharp-EFtimestamp provides a mechanism that provides an increasing value. most of the time, it acted as a version control field.
timestamp provides a mechanism that provides an increasing value. most of the time, it acted as a version control field.
Inverse can be applied to a property to specify the inverse of a navigation property that represents the other end of the same relationship
notmapped denotes a property or a class should be excluded from the database mapping
Data annotations attributes help programmers easly specify database-related information.
denotes a property used as a foreign key in a relationship
Data annotations attributes help programmers easly specify database-related information.
what’s the advantages and disadvantages of eager loading, explicit loading, lazy loading. most of scenarios can fit the eager loading strategy!
Lazy loadings that the related data transparently loaded from the database when the navigation property accessed.
Explicit Loading means that related entities are explicitly loaded from the database at a later time.
Eager Loading means that data is loaded as part of initial query