An Enthusiastic Programmer

Jenkins Tutorial


Jenkins is used for automated continuous integration and continuous deployment. And it is an open-source continuous integration in support of DevOps. In Jenkins, you can set up an automated CI/CD process in a stable, convenient, and fast way.

Docker Orchestration


It is time to discuss the docker orchestration now. We have talked a lot about docker right now, and it is time ready for production. Let us think about a scenario that you managed a microservice with tens, hundreds, or thousands of container instances. It is rough to deploy and manage these containers, and even it is impossible by manually. Here, the orchestration comes into play, with orchestration all of these becomes easier and convenient. Orchestration offers you a reliable way to deploy, scale, network, volume and manage, etc.

Docker Hub Webhooks


In the preceding articles that we have talked about Docker Hub Automated Deployment and Docker Hub Automated Tests. In this episode that we continue to talk about the Docker Hub Webhook. Docker Hub allows your webhook triggers to be called when new images were build up. This feature is for continuous deployment. You should configure an open automatic deployment API, which will be used as Docker Hub Webhook.

Docker Hub Automated Tests


Docker Hub enables you to build images from the source code, which needs to pass the tests. When you configured automated tests, the Docker Hub only builds the images when the tests passed. If an image failed on the tests, then it won’t be pushed into your docker hub registry.

Docker Hub Automated Builds


Let’s assume a scenario that if a team is developing a project, every team member responsible for their part of this project, and they will push their source code to the repository. As a project manager, you certainly don’t want to rebuild and deploy the project manually over and over again. Here, the CI/CD is coming to play.

Docker Hub Introduction


what’s is the docker hub repository. How to use Docker hub. Docker hub beginner tutorial. Everything you need to know about docker hub. Docker Hub is a service provided by Docker, it provides repositories, team&organization, offical images, publisher images, builds and webhook.

Deploy with Docker Compose and Nginx basic authentification


we had set up a registry server with basic authentification. However, it all depends on the Docker commands, which maybe seems a little tedious. Another disadvantage of only work with docker commands is that the docker isn’t that flexible for advanced authentification at present. Hence, I am going to introduce Ngnix for the next coming articles for much-advanced authentification. As I mentioned in the title, this article only illustrates the basic authentification, no advanced in here. I am going to use another way(Compose and Ngnix) to implements an authentification mechanism that is analogous to that of as we did in the previous three articles. So, this article max together all we learned in the preceding registry articles. If you have any problems during this article, don’t worry, you can follow the guild hint I marked to explore more details.

Add User and Password Authentification


In the previous article, we do achieve access registry from other hosts, but it’s insecure. The data transform between server and client can be sniffed or modified by malicious hackers. So, In this article, I will show you the first step for securing is that use an SLL certificate for production.

Secure your registry with SSL certificate


In the previous article, we do achieve access registry from other hosts, but it’s insecure. The data transform between server and client can be sniffed or modified by malicious hackers. So, In this article, I will show you the first step for securing is that use an SLL certificate for production.

Set up a docker registry on debian 4.6


This article will lead you to set up a private registry step by step. It is pretty easy to set a registry up with a public registry image in Docker Hub. At the end of this lesson, you may ask more questions, such as how to secure your registry, how to distribute roles. All those advanced fundamentals I will discuss in the next articles, this one is only focusing on how to running up a registry and manage its repositories.