An Enthusiastic Programmer

.NET Core


.NET Core is an open-source, cross-platform framework. It’s a new version of the .NET Framework(pronounced as dot net).

.NET Framework was developing in the late 1990s by Microsoft. By late 2000, Microsoft released the first beta version of .NET 1.0. The latest version is .NET 4.8 that was released on 18 April 2019 today, and it is also the last version of the .NET branch. Microsoft announced that they are going to stop developing further .NET version in the future.


Today, the concept of Write once, run everywhere. is very popular. However, the .NET Framework is just permitted to run on windows. So, the .NET Core was born. The .NET Core absorbed almost all advantages of the .NET Framework, and it also adds a lot of new features. The .Net Core 1.0 was released in June 2016 by Microsoft. In 2017, the .NET Core 2.0 was born. In 2019, .NET Core 3.0 was born. Microsoft is planning to release .NET 5 in 2020.


Below are some of the .NET Core advantages:


You can run .NET Core project on Windows, Linux, and Mac, etc.


.NET Core is Open-Source(link).

Supports a wide range of application types

You can build multiple application types on .NET Core. such as Desktop, Web, Mobile.


.NET Core includes CIL(common-line interface) for development,


Compatibility with .NET Framework by using .NET started.
